Deploying A Custom Template For Linux Virtual Machines Using Password Login

Deploying A Custom Template For Linux Virtual Machines Using Password Login

One effective method to standardize and expedite your deployments is to create a custom template for the deployment of a Linux virtual machine in Azure. Here is a quick rundown of the procedure:

Step 1: Sign into your Azure Portal, then on the search button type “deploy a custom template as shown below, select it.

Step 2: Click on Create a Linux Virtual Machine

Step 3:

  1. On the Resource group select “Create new” then give it a name

  2. Choose any Region of your choice

  3. On the Admin Username give a Username

  4. On the Authentication Type Choose Password and input Password of your choice

  5. Then Review & Create


Step 4: Go to Resource group after deployment is completed

Step 5: On the Resource Group Overview select simpleLinuxVM

Step 6:

  1. Copy the I.P address beside the Public I.P Address

  2. Click on the Public I.P Address

Step 7:

  1. Increase the Idle timeout to “30” minutes to enable the Machine to be active for longer duration

  2. save

Exit and go back to RG

Step 8:

  1. Open either Power Shell or Git Bash

  2. input ssh username@Ipaddress as shown below, then enter

Input the Password then enter

Note: Password when inputted are not visible

It should show like this image below

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